Wicked Drew says: “Bring Me the Head of Bob!”

If you see Bob’s head on the grounds of the rally, GRAB IT.

It’s game time!

From rally co-chair Drew Alexander: “As you wander around Fryeburg Fairgrounds, you may see Bob’s friendly countenance. One hundred images of his mug will be strategically placed throughout the rally. If you happen to spot his smiling face, grab it, print your name and contact information on the back of his head and bring it to me. I will shove it in a box along with the others.


“On Saturday night during the Closing Ceremonies, I will grab a random Bob’s head and whoever’s name is on it will win a fabulous prize courtesy of Bob’s Motorcycles. As a special request, I will ask all who participate to join me for a photo-op Saturday evening at the stage before the Closing Ceremony.


“But wait, there’s more! All the names will be entered in a drawing to take place after the Rally for a special prize selected by the one and only Bob Henig via Facebook!”

Click here to read more about the BMWRA 2024 National Rally. Online ticket sales have ended, but you can still register onsite August 29-31, either for the weekend or for the day.

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