Be a "Wild and Wonderful" mover-n-shaker at the BMW Riders Association National Rally!
September 14 – 17, 2023
Canaan Valley Resort and Conference Center | Davis, West Virginia USA
Volunteers are the heart and soul of the BMW Riders Association, and our annual rally would not be possible without their dedication and time. We need help with all sorts of tasks, from pre-event setup and attendee registration to medical support, gate security, and more. There’s something for everyone!
General Info
A BIG THANKS in advance for stepping forward to volunteer! The RA is successful because members support their club—and have for 50 years. Here’s some general info:
- Volunteers don’t receive special lodging arrangements, so make sure to buy your rally ticket and book your accommodations before signing up to volunteer.
- Contact your motorcycle friends and encourage them to join you as a volunteer. Everyone knows it’s more fun when your riding buds join in.
- Volunteers design their own schedules, so you can commit to as much or as little as you like! Remember, you’re at the rally to have fun!
- Peruse the sign-up sheets tool (click button above) to see what volunteer tasks are needed each day. Instructions are at the top of the sign-up page.
- Depending on what you sign up to do, team leaders will contact you either before the rally or at the rally. There will be orientation for registration volunteers at the tent. Most other volunteers will get coached on site after arrival.
- Plans are under way to publicly express our deep gratitude for your contributions and dedication to the rally’s success!
- Questions? Reach out to Ms Wonderful (a.k.a. Jill Veverka) at [email protected].

Below are general descriptions of what to expect during the event. Click on the Sign-Up Sheets button above for details. Please see the main rally info page for activity, presentation, and training schedules for all attendees (updates will be made as details are confirmed).
Wednesday, September 13
This is setup day! All volunteer shifts begin at noon and last until the task is complete. Areas that need to be prepped include registration, speaker hall, primitive camping, coffee service, parking, RA Gear Shop, and the Vendor Marketplace.
Thursday, September 14
Official opening day for attendees. Volunteer shifts are in variable time increments throughout the day—6am to around 8pm—for roles such as barista; first aid tech; gate security; registration, camp, and Vendor Marketplace assistants; RA Gear Shop sales; bike wash attendant; and seminar support.
Friday, September 15
Volunteer shifts mirror that of Thursday.
Saturday, September 16
Volunteer shifts mirror that of Thursday.
Sunday, September 17
No volunteers needed. Event ends at noon.

Canaan Valley Resort and Conference Center
The Canaan Valley Resort and Conference Center is located in the Allegheny Mountains of West Virginia, surrounded by the Monongahela National Forest, and adjacent to the Canaan Valley Wildlife Refuge and the Dolly Sods Wilderness area. Nearby Seneca Rocks is a favorite scenic spot. What a wonderful area!
There are on-site restaurants (with a beautiful view from the dining room and bar), a coffee shop, a fully equipped fitness center, indoor heated and outdoor pools, a hot tub, an arcade, and a recreation center featuring bike rentals and a climbing wall.
Please see the main rally info page for complete details about the rally site and area lodging.
PHOTO: Don’t forget to take your selfie with your besties, just like rally co-chairs Mr Wild and Ms Wonderful!

While COVID-era risks to volunteers and participants is minimal as of this writing, your health and safety are still important to us! For our gathering, we will follow CDC public health safety guidelines as well as applicable federal, state, and local laws.
While riding a motorcycle is by its very nature an act of social distancing, traveling and gathering in groups will always increase the risk of exposure to viruses. Before you leave home, we encourage you to…
• Get your flu shot.
• Get up-to-date with your COVID vaccines and booster shots.
• Test regularly as the most effective way to detect COVID and isolate if you are infected.
• Review current CDC general and COVID-related guidelines for travel
Our goal, as always, is to have a fun AND safe rally. If you have any questions about the rally as it pertains to public health, please contact rally co-chairs Drew Alexander at [email protected] or Jill Veverka at [email protected].